Who is advancing more: understory herbs or overstory trees?
Plants growing in the forest understory, including spring ephemerals, which are short-lived herbaceous plants, are important members of the forest plant community. A team of Appalachian Mountain Club scientists evaluated observations of leaf out and flowering in 11 understory plant and ... Read more

Nature's Notebook data speak for the trees
Understanding how climate change is affecting species is especially important for threatened or endangered species, which already exhibit perilously low species numbers. A research team led by Jeremy Yoder at California State University, Northridge sought to determine the environmental ... Read more

Is the (sunlight) window closing for spring wildflowers in deciduous forests?
In many deciduous forests, understory plants such as spring blooming wildflowers depend on a critical period of sunlight before overstory tree leaves block out the sun. Climate change has caused a shift to earlier leaf out in many plants, but not all taxa are shifting at the same rate. ... Read more